Sunday, 31 March 2013

Supervised Cutting in School?

Have a read of this article:

What do you make of it? It's an interesting idea really which is why I wanted to bring it up, sure its very controversial but if done correctly then it could be pretty positive. By that I mean young people who would cut in private (you would expect) are more likely to do something that could seriously injure them and will continue to cut even with therapy but if supervised then there's someone to prevent them opening an artery or vein which could cause them to bleed out; plus if there was someone there then they could treat the injuries.

That's just my take though; what's yours?

Clare x

Friday, 29 March 2013

London's "Mystery Meat" could be Dog or Cat

If you live in the UK you might have heard about the newest little scandal regarding take away's. A private investigation into fast-food places in London that tested meat DNA came across a little place that's stumped them. Yes; they found horse DNA but that's not all. The so called 'lamb curry' is not lamb, beef, chicken, pork, goat, horse and even human has been ruled out.

It's uncertain what it is but some suspect Cat or Dog but I would think it's more likely to be Rabbit since people do eat it in this country and it would be easier to get a supply of rabbit meat than dog or cat... in theory at least.

Here's a link to the story if you're interested:

This most likely has gone on for years; not just in takeaways but in the meat industry itself as how can we be sure what we're eating these days when it's already packaged for us? Unless you make something yourself you can never know what it is and we take the risk of eating something unsavory every single day.

I may not eat meat but even then when eating out especially take out I can't be entirely certain as who knows how they prepare their food? How they store it?

What are your thought's on this? Are you surprised by it at all? I mean, I'm not but it's interesting to see what the rest of you think.

Leave your comments and suggestions for the next blog in the comments as always!
Clare x

Wednesday, 27 March 2013

Everyone's going mad over marriage!

So at the moment everyone's buzzing about the supreme court case for marriage equality and now gay rights but I've got to ask you, especially those who are against gay rights; Does Human Rights include Gay Rights?

Before you jump up and down yelling no (for those saying yes well done to you) then just rethink that not in terms of something that doesn't fit your religion or ideology but try to see it without the all of the black and white imagery. As a human you have a right to not be discriminated against; Racism for example is taken very seriously now days as it is targeting specific groups of people. This Human Right also includes sexual orientation and then using that laws against being homosexual are a violation of human rights.

You don't need to support Gay Rights to see that since gay humans are still human any discrimination specific at targeting them is against human rights.

Then as it would be discrimination to not allow marriage of certain couples Gay marriage should be legal.

Cultures and society's will have different views on it depending on their ideologies but as we have Human Rights we should not be able to ban it in any country.

A little interesting fact: The last time North Dakota (US state) changed their laws on marriage it was to outlaw inter-race marriages; this includes mixed race individuals like myself up until the 3rd generation (I'm 2nd generation).
Obviously that's a breech of human rights there but nothing is currently being done about it.

Hopefully the supreme court will rule that not allowing marriage equality is a breech of humans rights because if they do that it could mean all laws will need to change not just for gay marriage but for places like North Dakota.

If you support the case for gay rights then the group Humans Rights Campaign is urging all on facebook to change their display picture to the below image to show support. If you aren't already a fan I'd suggest liking the page even if it's just to follow the case.

Comment your thoughts and feelings as always guys!
Until next time,
Clare x

Friday, 15 March 2013

A Level Reforms??

I just heard about this and my only thought was 'What?' sure I'm no longer doing them but these changes don't make much sense and will make things considerably harder.

For those who don't know what they want to do or don't know what A-Levels are let me try to explain...
A- Levels are 2 years of education done in a sixth form at a secondary school after year 11 with the first year being called AS and the second year being called A2 but these both make up an overall grade. When I did mine we had coursework and did exams for each year on the modules covered in whatever subjects you chose to take; these all affected the over all grade.

The new proposal would mean that instead of exams in year 1 they would only be in year 2. Doesn't sound that bad? Well if you fail an exam in year 1 you can just resit it in year 2; with the new proposal this could not happen and the exams will consist of modules covered over a period of 2 years. For my psychology we had 4 exams and had 3 topics per exam; that would mean using the new proposal students would be facing 12 modules in a 2 hour exam where they may or may not end up with a pass.

So not only would these new exams cover a huge range of topics where learning it all would be difficult to do so there will also be the chance that the students will not have anything at the end of the course; they could waste 2 years of their lives.

These plans will also mean that all A Level courses will need to be rewritten.

The system works as it is already and allows those who do badly in year 1 to redo that year so they end up with a better grade; with the proposed system this could never happen and a considerable amount of students across the country may fail their A Levels. This won't help the ones who are already struggling at all and will make it much more difficult to reach higher education by going to university.

There's a link at the end to have a look at if you're interested.

Comment your thoughts and feelings as always guys!

Clare x

Monday, 11 March 2013

How to End World Hunger

World hunger is a serious issue no doubt with billions of people going hungry everyday and the human population rising everyday. So is there way to stop it? CAN we stop it? Or is there nothing we can do?
Millions of children die from starvation daily across the world and though we all say world hunger is a big issue, and have been for years, where's the fix?

60% of the world grain feeds farm animals.
13 pounds of grain = 1 pound of beef (Not to mention the amount of clean water)
1 acre of land= 20 pounds of beef OR 365 pounds of protein rich soyabeans.

What does that mean?

If you eat meat you are prevent someone else from eating.

This does not mean you can never eat it, more like eat less of it. The less animals being raised and killed for it  (there are those who die and are not made into human food as well) then the more grain left over which can feed other people and can be sent to help those in desperate need of food.

You may scoff at first thinking I'm just being a 'stupid veg person' but the numbers DO NOT ADD UP.

Every year 150+ billion animals are killed for food. There is roughly 7 billion humans on the planet.

That is millions of pounds of grain being lost through meat and we don't even get a good return, 13 pounds for 1 pound is not good and you also have to consider the amount of water those farm animals are drinking while in some places they can't drink the water as it'll make them horribly sick.

So in Conclusion, how can we make world hunger a thing of the past?

East less Meat

Meat Free Mondays are a great way to start! Trust me; it's easier than you think.

What about fish? That's not part of causing world hunger right? Well I'll do another post on that because believe me it'll be a long one and needs serious addressing before it truly is too late.

For now though, I leave you again and as always your comments, thoughts and any issues you want covered or clarified are desired.

See you next time!
Clare x